This code snippet allows you to add the Argentinian Peso (ARS) to the list of currencies available in GravityForms. Follow these simple steps to integrate it into your WordPress website.


  • WordPress installed and activated.
  • GravityForms plugin installed and activated.


  1. Access Code Editor: Open your WordPress theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin editor.
  2. Insert Code Snippet: Copy and paste the following code snippet into the file:
function add_agrentina_peso_currency_to_gravity_forms( $currencies ) {
    $currencies['ARS'] = array(
        'name'               => __( 'Argentine Peso', 'gravityforms' ),
        'symbol_left'        => '$',
        'symbol_right'       => '',
        'symbol_padding'     => ' ',
        'thousand_separator' => '.',
        'decimal_separator'  => ',',
        'decimals'           => 2,
        'code'               => 'ARS',
    return $currencies;

add_filter( 'gform_currencies', 'add_agrentina_peso_currency_to_gravity_forms' );

3. Save Changes: Save the file to apply the changes.

4. Verify: Go to the GravityForms settings in your WordPress dashboard. Under form settings, you should now find “Argentine Peso (ARS)” as a currency option.

Argentinian Peso should also work fine with our Multi-Currency addon for Gravity Forms.

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Hey I am Pramod Jodhani from IND

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